[Haskell-cafe] Re: (Newbie) Dynamic Programming, Memoizing Etc.
oleg at pobox.com
oleg at pobox.com
Wed Mar 16 21:57:48 EST 2005
Bryce Bockman wrote:
> How would you guys memoize the following code.
> simpleCalc :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)
> simpleCalc (1,l) = (1,l+1)
> simpleCalc (x,l) | (odd x) = simpleCalc (((3*x) + 1), 1 + l)
> | otherwise = simpleCalc ((x `div` 2), 1 + l)
> sCalc x = simpleCalc (x,0)
> sCalcListRange a b = map sCalc [a..b]
> sCalcListLengthRange a b = map snd (sCalcListRange a b)
> The key is I need to calculate maximum (sCalcListLengthRange 1 1000000).
One observation is that `l' is merely `an iteration
counter'. Therefore, the code can be simplified. The other observation
is that memoizing all intermediate results may be expensive: the
memoization table (a list, for example) will be big and sparsely
populated. The cost of indexing in such a list can be significant.
Here's a solution that seems to be balancing both costs. One can
change the balance by modifying sc_upb.
> module Foo where
> import Data.Array
> sc_upb = 100
> sc = listArray (1,sc_upb) $ map sc_calc [1..]
> sc_get i | i <= sc_upb = sc ! i
> sc_get i = sc_calc i
> sc_calc :: Int -> (Int,Int)
> sc_calc 0 = (0,0)
> sc_calc 1 = (1,1)
> sc_calc x | odd x = let (r,c) = sc_get (3*x + 1) in (r, c+1)
> sc_calc x = let (r,c) = sc_get (x `div` 2) in (r, c+1)
> sCalcListLengthRange' a b = map (snd . sc_calc) [a..b]
*Foo> maximum $ sCalcListLengthRange 1 10000
(1.57 secs, 82200088 bytes)
*Foo> maximum $ sCalcListLengthRange' 1 10000
(1.18 secs, 61043084 bytes)
there seems to be a benefit.
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