[Haskell-cafe] wxHaskell htmlWindow usage

Patrick Scheibe mai99dnn at studserv.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Mar 15 16:13:04 EST 2005


When I use the 

 htmlWindowLoadPage hw "./test.html"

function, everything works fine and I see the content of the test.html page.


On Tuesday 15 March 2005 15:51, David Owen wrote:
> Good day all,
> I am attempting to display html pages using wxHaskell's HtmlWindow
> functions.  I am hoping that it is indeed possible for me to do just that
> and that I haven't misunderstood what HtmlWindow is used for.
> My code so far will create a frame, a button and an HtmlWindow and other
> assorted things.  I would like an html file to be displayed in the window
> when the button is clicked.  At the moment, only the path (a string) of the
> html file that I would like to display is printed in the window when the
> button is clicked.
> Here is some of the code i've been trying to get to do this:
> do
> -- the main frame
>        f <- frame [text := "Browser", fullRepaintOnResize := False]
> -- create html window
>        hw <- htmlWindowCreate f 1 (Rect 50 150 50 150) 5 "theWindow"
> -- 'load page' button
>        go <- button f [text := "Load Page", on command := htmlWindowSetPage
> hw "c:/example.html"]
> (I've left out the layout part here)
> htmlWindowSetPage might be the wrong function to use for this or I might
> just be using it incorrectly.  This may well be more complicated than I'm
> hoping it is too!
> Thankyou to whoever has a look at this.
> bye all
> David
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