[Haskell-cafe] RE: Answers to Exercises in Craft of FP

Christian Hofer Christian.Hofer at gmx.de
Wed Jan 26 17:37:22 EST 2005

Maybe I am too much rooted in the German university system, where the 
students' autonomy is held high (against all evidence). But I never 
understood, why we - who have to learn the interesting stuff completely 
on our own, because bad luck supplies us only with Java teachers 
(although other professors use Scheme, Lisp, Prolog) - are punished for 
a possible misuse of the exercises' solutions by students who would by 
cheating loose some years of their lifetime before failing in the 


Am 26.01.2005 um 15:41 schrieb Paul Hudak:

> I'm not sure how Simon Thompson feels, or other instructors using his 
> or my book, but a downside of posting all of the solutions is that the 
> problems cannot be assigned for homework.  I have many of the 
> solutions to SOE problems, and could post them, but am wondering if it 
> would be better to make them available only to instructors, or to 
> those who might convince me that they are not reading the book for 
> credit.  Or is that being too draconian?
>   -Paul

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