[Haskell-cafe] Signature of a function

Jules Bean jules at jellybean.co.uk
Tue Jan 11 12:45:20 EST 2005

On 11 Jan 2005, at 16:47, Daniel Fischer wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 11. Januar 2005 16:45 schrieb Henning Thielemann:
>> On Tue, 11 Jan 2005, Jules Bean wrote:
>>> Hint: Don't put signatures on functions, then. Instead, let the
>>> compiler infer the type for you! If you want to know what the type 
>>> is,
>>> ask GHCi with :info. And if you think it is helpful documentation, 
>>> you
>>> can copy-paste the correct signature from ghci into your source code!
>> There should always be signatures.
> I do almost unrestrictedly agree!
> Deciphering code without type signatures is -- except in fairly 
> trivial cases
> -- always a nuisance, and if the author chose short names instead of 
> telling 
> ones, it is positively disgusting!

That's not really what I meant.

I meant that, especially when you are figuring out a new language, 
getting the types inferred for you is helpful and also instructive... I 
wasn't suggesting that they be left out permanently.


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