[Haskell-cafe] Battling laziness
Joel Reymont
joelr1 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 11:18:17 EST 2005
On Dec 16, 2005, at 3:47 PM, Simon Marlow wrote:
> I'm a bit mystified though, because looking at the code for
> Script.Array, all your arrays are unboxed, so I don't know where
> all the
> Word8s and Ints are coming from. It might be useful to do "+RTS
> -hyWord8 -hc" to see who generated the Word8s.
Done. http://wagerlabs.com/randomplay.word8.ps
{-# SCC "launchScripts#8" #-}launch host $! script (bot, bot,
The xx, xx, are Word8. affiliateIDs is all Word8 and looks like this:
affiliateIDs = [ [xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx],
99 more like the above ]
I guess the whole affid list of lists is being pulled into script?
How do I prevent this?
launchScripts :: Int
-> NamePick
-> TMVar (ClockTime, (Event CustomEvent))
-> IO ()
launchScripts 0 _ _ = return ()
launchScripts n pick mbx =
do n' <- case pick of
Random -> {-# SCC "launchScripts#1" #-}liftIO $
randomRIO (0, 8500)
Straight -> {-# SCC "launchScripts#2" #-}return n
let botnum = {-# SCC "launchScripts#3" #-}firstbot + n'
bot = {-# SCC "launchScripts#4" #-}"m" ++ show botnum
cell = {-# SCC "launchScripts#5" #-}botnum `mod` 100 - 1
affid = {-# SCC "launchScripts#6" #-}if cell == -1
then [xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx]
else affiliateIDs !! cell
{-# SCC "launchScripts#7" #-}trace_ $ "Launching bot..." ++
show n
{-# SCC "launchScripts#8" #-}launch host $! script (bot, bot,
{-# SCC "launchScripts#9" #-}liftIO $ sleep_ 1000
-- quit if we have been told to
empty <- {-# SCC "launchScripts#10" #-}atomically $
isEmptyTMVar mbx
{-# SCC "launchScripts#11" #-}unless empty $ trace_
"launchScripts: Done, exiting"
{-# SCC "launchScripts#12" #-}when empty $ launchScripts (n -
1) pick mbx
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