[Haskell-cafe] Can't Haskell catch up with Clean's uniqueness typing?

Tomasz Zielonka tomasz.zielonka at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 14:35:57 EST 2005

On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 11:29:44AM -0800, Jeremy Shaw wrote:
> > Why should inferring uniqueness be all that fragile? A uniqueness checker can be
> > rather robust, as is demonstrated by the Clean one. 
> Fragile could refer to the fact that a relatively small looking change
> to your code could have a enormous impact on the runtime of the code
> because you unknowningly changed a value from being used uniquely to
> being used non-uniquely.
> In clean, the annotations allow you to enforce the uniqueness, so this
> change would be caught by the type-checker. But, if the uniqueness is
> *only* inferred, then the user has to be very careful about ensuring
> uniqueness if they want performance gains associated with it -- and
> they have to do it without the help of the type-checker.
> Having written a bit of clean code, I can say that it is very easy to
> accidently un-uniquify things.

That's exactly my point, but I probably didn't express it as clearly as
you did. Thanks!

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