[Haskell-cafe] How to use STArray?

Bayley, Alistair Alistair_Bayley at ldn.invesco.com
Fri Aug 26 11:22:11 EDT 2005

> From: Udo Stenzel [mailto:u.stenzel at web.de] 
> You messed the argument order to readArray up.

Yes, that won't help :-)

> Even with that repaired,
> you'll need a type signature somewhere to help ghc resolve the
> overloading of newArray and readArray, which is surprisingly 
> tricky due
> to the "s" that must not escape.  This works:
> compute :: Int -> Int
> compute n = runST ( do
>     arr <- newArray (-1, 1) n :: ST s (STArray s Int Int)
>     readArray arr 1
>   )

Thanks. This is what I needed. The thing that worked best for me was to wrap
newArray (and newArrayList) with functions that I could give signatures to.
I was hoping to keep the program as signature-free as possible, to avoid
committing heavily to particular implementations.


makeArray :: Int -> Int -> a -> ST s (STArray s Int a)
makeArray lower upper val = newArray (-lower, upper) val

makeListArray :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> ST s (STArray s Int a)
makeListArray len lst = newListArray (1, len) lst


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