[Haskell-cafe] How to hold common data

Hamilton Richards ham at cs.utexas.edu
Wed May 12 16:38:45 EDT 2004

At 4:09 PM +0000 5/12/04, scott west wrote:
>Hello all,
>    I'm new to haskell and was just wondering if there was any 
>efficient or standard way to store and modify some sort of state 
>data. The functional nature of haskell has me confused in this 
>respect! Basically what I want to achieve is an interactive program 
>that allows you to edit some tables, and thus hold some data. I 
>dont' need to be spoonfed an answer, but a general guideline would 
>be very helpful :) Thanks for any help you could provide!

One very simple approach is to provide your interactive program 
--which will be an IO action that calls itself-- with a parameter 
representing the state.

Hamilton Richards, PhD           Department of Computer Sciences
Senior Lecturer                  The University of Texas at Austin
512-471-9525                     1 University Station C0500
Taylor Hall 5.138                Austin, Texas 78712-0233
ham at cs.utexas.edu                hrichrds at swbell.net

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