
Graham Klyne GK@ninebynine.org
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 21:14:22 +0100

That's very similar to a version I received in an offlist email, which I 
had been seeking permission to repost.  I find this approach to be very 


At 14:53 10/06/03 +0200, Christian Maeder wrote:
>powerset :: [a] -> [[[a]]]
>powerset [] = [[[]]]
>powerset (x:xs) = [[]] : myzip x (powerset xs)
>myzip :: a -> [[[a]]] -> [[[a]]]
>myzip x [a] = [map (x:) a]
>myzip x (a:b) = (map (x:) a ++ head b) : myzip x b
>I suggest the above version for a sorted powerset. The result keeps a 
>further nesting of lists for subsets of the same length. (Flatten this 
>list with "concat".)
>Call "length (concat (powerset [1..19]))" (on Hugs).
>oleg@pobox.com wrote:
>>The following seems to be a faster version of powerset that delivers
>>results strictly in the order of increasing cardinality (i.e., all
>>sets of size 1 first, then of size 2, etc). It seems to run faster
>>than any other ordered version of powerset posted so far. On GHCi,
>>length $ powerset [1..22] is computed roughly 4 times faster than
>>powerset3 given earlier. On Hugs, the powerset below also runs faster,
>>with less memory consumption and in fewer GC cycles, up to a limit of
>>18 for the size of the input set. Then something happens. length $
>>powerset3 [1..19] runs out of memory on my (not current) version of
>>Hugs too.
>>The algorithm is more complex, though.
>>powerset [] = [[]]
>>powerset [x] = [[],[x]]
>>powerset xs = [] : runit (tail rsxtails) ps0
>>    where
>>         xstails = tails xs
>>         rsxtails = reverse xstails
>>         ps0 = map (const [[]]) xstails
>>         psn tn psn1 = psnew
>>            where
>>             psnew = [tn]:
>>              (zipWith (++)
>>               (reverse (zipWith (\x psn1i -> map (x:) psn1i) xs (tail $ 
>> reverse$tail $ psn1)))
>>               psnew)
>>         runit [tn] _ = [xs]
>>         runit (tn:tns) psn1 = (last newps) ++ (runit tns newps)
>>             where newps = psn tn psn1
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Graham Klyne
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