
William Lee Irwin III wli@holomorphy.com
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 02:50:29 -0700

On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 03:20:46AM -0800, William Lee Irwin III wrote:
> -- This program takes patch filenames as arguments and splits the patch
> -- files up on a hunk-by-hunk basis. I have found this useful for Linux
> -- kernel development, and perhaps others might find it useful in
> -- similar contexts where patches are the primary method of communication.

Managed to shrink it a bit and get it a wee bit better-behaved to boot.

module Main where
import System
import List

main = getArgs >>= mapM_ (\file -> sequence_ . zipWith writeFile (map (((reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse $ file)++).("-"++).show) [1..]) . splatterHunks =<< readFile file)

splatterHunks = map unlines . concatMap (\s -> map ((++) (take 3 s)) (splitList "@@" s)) . splitList "diff" . lines

splitList prefix ss = [[s | (k, s) <- ss', m <= k, n > k || n <= 0] | (m,n) <- let ss'' = [j | (j,s) <- ss', prefix `isPrefixOf` s] in zip ss'' (tail ss'' ++ [-1])] where ss' = zip [0..] ss