Space problem: reading a list of records from a binary database
Eray Ozkural
Tue, 28 May 2002 15:24:45 +0300
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Hi there,
While trying to read a list of records from a binary database I think I've
encountered a space leak but I'm not proficient enough to detect the cause of
the error.
The culprit is the readSessionDB function in SessionDB module which I attach
with other relevant code.
What I do in Session.readSession is using FFI to read a fixed size record from
an input stream. That far, okay. (I have no idea if I'm doing it right,
The problem is, combined with my approach in Session.readSessionDB, it results
in huge amounts of space allocation, about 1MB, whereas the raw data would
consume about 50K. It would be a [Session] with about 3000 elements, each of
which contains 3 Ints and 6 Floats.
I wonder if the following code in SessionDB is the proper way to read a list
of records from a file. I get the feeling that the (s:rest) in the last
return statement causes my problems.
readSessionList :: Handle -> IO [Session]
readSessionList h =
do session <- readSession h
case session of
Nothing -> return []
Just s -> do rest <- readSessionList h
return (s:rest)
Comments appreciated,
Eray Ozkural (exa) <>
Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara
www: Malfunction:
GPG public key fingerprint: 360C 852F 88B0 A745 F31B EA0F 7C07 AE16 874D 539C
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SessionDB.hs"
module SessionDB
import IO
import System
import IOExts
import Array
import Foreign
import CForeign
import SMA
import Session
readSessionDB :: String -> IO [Session]
readSessionDB file =
do loc <- locateStock file
case loc of
Nothing -> do return []
Just fname -> do h <- openFileEx fname (BinaryMode ReadMode)
putStrLn ("reading " ++ (show fname))
list <- readSessionList h
return list
readSessionList :: Handle -> IO [Session]
readSessionList h =
do session <- readSession h
case session of
Nothing -> return []
Just s -> do rest <- readSessionList h
return (s:rest)
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Session.hs"
module Session
import IO
import System
import IOExts
import Array
import Foreign
import CForeign
data Session = Session {stockId, date, sessionId :: Int,
lowestValue, highestValue, lastValue, averageValue,
lot, volume :: Float} deriving (Eq, Show)
emptySession = Session {
stockId = 0,
date = 0,
sessionId = 0,
lowestValue = 0,
highestValue = 0,
lastValue = 0,
averageValue = 0,
lot = 0,
volume = 0
readSession :: Handle -> IO (Maybe Session)
readSession h =
do eof <- hIsEOF h
if eof then return Nothing else
do buf <- mallocArray 73:: IO (Ptr CChar)
readChars <- hGetBuf h buf 73
-- putStrLn ("read " ++ (show readChars))
let sidptr = castPtr buf :: Ptr CShort
dateptr = castPtr (plusPtr buf 2) :: Ptr CUInt
sesptr = (plusPtr buf 6) :: Ptr CChar
ptr = castPtr (plusPtr buf 7) :: Ptr CLLong
in do stockid <- peek sidptr
date <- peek dateptr
sessid <- peek sesptr
rec <- peekArray 8 ptr
-- destructArray 73 buf
let list = map (\x -> (fromIntegral x) / 10000) rec
:: [Float]
vals = array (1,8) (zip [1..8] list)
in return (Just Session {stockId = (fromIntegral stockid),
date = (fromIntegral date),
sessionId = (fromIntegral sessid),
lowestValue = vals!1,
highestValue = vals!2,
lastValue = vals!3,
averageValue = vals!4,
lot = vals!5,
volume = vals!6