Change a light bulb
Shawn P. Garbett
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 12:29:05 -0600
Hash: SHA1
I finally got a clue. I got the Haskell program working. Now to build upon
it. Jay's comment really made the IO monad concept sink in for me.
Also reading through Manuael M T Chakravarty's Boolean editor was mind
expanding as well.
My biggest question is how to simplify, make more efficient, make more lazy
what I have here.
There's so much more to do now.....
- -- State model of a light bulb with IO
import Monad
import IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Turn off buffering so response is immediate
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
-- Process from the intialState
process initialState
return ()
- -- A generic state-machine processor
process :: State -> IO ()
process st = do
-- retrieve current stimulus
s <- getStimulus
putChar '\n'
-- compute new state and response
(r, st') <- do { return (s st) }
-- do the specified response
-- if the state is lambda then exit
if( st' /= Lambda)
then process st'
else return ()
- -- Now define state for our humble lightbulb
- -- State definition
data State = Dark | Light | Lambda
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
- -- The inital state
initialState :: State
initialState = Dark
- -- Response definitions
type Response = IO ()
activate :: Response
activate = putStr "Haskell said, let there be light.\n"
deactivate :: Response
deactivate = putStr "And darkness was upon the void.\n"
- -- Here is the state transforms (i.e. stimuli)
type Stimulus = State -> (Response, State)
on :: Stimulus
on Dark = (activate, Light)
on Light = (return (), Light)
off :: Stimulus
off Dark = (return (), Dark)
off Light = (deactivate, Dark)
exit :: Stimulus
exit x = (return (), Lambda)
- -- Create a stimulus source from stdin
charToStimulus :: Char -> Stimulus
charToStimulus '1' = on
charToStimulus '0' = off
charToStimulus c = exit
getStimulus :: IO Stimulus
getStimulus = liftM charToStimulus getChar
- --
You're in a maze of twisty little statements, all alike.
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