Jay Cox
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 20:05:05 -0600 (CST)
On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Juan M. Duran wrote:
> I got a function with type :: IO [[Double]], and what I want is write this
> output in a file, how can I do it... I mean, I cannot doit by just using
> writeFile....
How about..
do double_list_result <- your_function
writefile "/file/path/foo" (show double_list_result)
> And one more thing: the Glasglow compiler doesn let me compile because I use
> the function readFloat (declare in the Prelude of Hugs 98), but Hugs lets
> me, why? How can I solve it?
a solution is
myreadfloat string = (read string) :: Float
(assuming readFloat is a function String -> Float and not something like
Handle -> IO Float)
Jay Cox