Fw: 2 Positions

Manuel M. T. Chakravarty chak@cse.unsw.edu.au
Sat, 06 Jul 2002 22:39:19 +1000

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Not 100% Haskell-related, but I thought some people on this
list might be interested in these two open positions at UNSW.


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Subject: 2 Positions 
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Please forward to any potentially interested parties. -- Thanks, Ron 

    Postdoctoral Fellow
    Logics of Knowledge and Belief 

    School of Computer Science and Engineering 
    University of New South Wales 
    Sydney, Australia 

A postdoctoral fellowship/research fellowship, supported by grants
from the Australian Research Council, is available in applications of
modal logic to distributed systems. The research conducted may encompass
both proof theory for logics of knowledge and belief and algorithmic
verification techniques based on these logics, including the
development of a model checker and its application to the verification
of knowledge-based programs and security protocols. Applicants should
have, or be about to complete, a Ph.D. in computer science, or
equivalent research experience appropriate to the project, and expertise
in modal logic (particularly epistemic logic and temporal logic)
and/or model checking.  Information concerning the position, including
a duty statement listing selection criteria, is available at URL:


The appointment will be made at Level B, step 1, an annual salary 
of $53,126, but the opportunity for additional earnings from 
teaching in the School of Computer Science and Engineering 
may be made available to suitable applicants. 

Applications should address the selection criteria, list three
referees, and include copies of one or two recent publications.
Applications should be submitted by July 26 to the address below.  For
further information, contact

Assoc. Prof. Ron van der Meyden
School of Computer Science and Engineering
University of New South Wales 
Sydney 2052 

email: meyden@cse.unsw.edu.au 
www: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~meyden
phone: +61 2 9385 4897
fax: +61 2 9385 5995 

    Research Programmer
    Formal Verification Tools 

    School of Computer Science and Engineering 
    University of New South Wales 
    Sydney, Australia 

    Level 6, Step 1-4, $43,778-48,365
    One Year Contract 

A position is available for a research programmer on a project
developing a formal verification tool for distributed systems and
security protocols.  The project, supported by a grant from the
Australian Research Council, is developing a model checker for logics
of knowledge and belief. Applicants should have at least an honours
degree in computer science and excellent systems development skills.
Required skills are UNIX, C, functional and logic programming,
and Tcl/Tk. Experience with formal verification tools and the
application of modal logic in computer science is highly
desirable. Further information about the position is 
available at URL http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~meyden/positions.
Applications should include a CV, undergraduate transcript, and list
two referees.  Applications should be submitted by July 26 to the
address below.  For further information, contact

Assoc. Prof. Ron van der Meyden
School of Computer Science and Engineering
University of New South Wales 
Sydney 2052 

email: meyden@cse.unsw.edu.au 
www: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~meyden
phone: +61 2 9385 4897
fax: +61 2 9385 5995 
