syntax...(strings/interpolation/here docs)
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 16:36:02 +0000
> Unlike my rough proposal, one should aim for a combination of
> (mostly) in-Haskell implementation and (some) pre-processing. As
> Thomas Nordin has pointed out to me in private email, Hugs (Dec
> 2001) already supports this (module lib/hugs/Quote.hs and flag +H).
> The real trick is to have the same support in all implementations..
module HereDocuments where
{- :set +H -}
import Quote
text = ``
When I mentioned pre-processing, I didn't mean doing something
to generate a Haskell program, I meant simple language extension
(as in: syntactic sugar). It is nice that the Hugs variant of
here documents is easily implemented with pre-processing, but
that should be done behind the scenes.
Usually, I wouldn't make such a fuss, but here documents are really
not some new and experimental feature. They're an old hat, and a
very useful hat. The only question is how to integrate them into the
rest of Haskell. The Lewis/Nordin suggestion implemented in Hugs
looks like a good compromise, but it won't do harm to bind the sugar
to an option/flag for a test period.
In the end, a stable form of here documents should be part of the
language (not part of what you can do to it with whatever tools in
whatever contexts), directly supported by all implementations.
main = putStrLn $ trim text
-- Claus