please help me
Michal Wallace
Sun, 7 Apr 2002 00:49:37 -0500 (EST)
On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, Eric wrote:
|> Hi there, I am a beginner a haskell,and I have some
|> difficulty in dealing with an assignment that is to
|> translate a string representation of a list of
|> appointments into a list of appointments. For example:
[requirements snipped]
|> How can I finish the requirement make use of library
|> functions such as words, unwords, lines and break.
Hey Leo,
Well, I'm just learning haskell too, but I decided to give
this a shot. I think I solved the main problem, but I did
hit a few snags of my own so I can't be sure. Here goes:
Basically, I defined "appointment" as a single type... But
I couldn't figure out how to print that type. So I can't
really test what I've done, other than I know it
compiles. :) Can someone show me how to fill in "show" down
here? )
> module Main where
> data Appt = Appt (Bool, Int, Int, String)
> instance Show Appt where
> show x = "???????????"
I then used liness and words to break the multi-line string
into a list of lists of words:
> strToApps :: String -> [Appt]
> strToApps x = map lineToApp (lines x)
> lineToApp x = wordsToApp (words x)
Since the starting "!" was optional, the structure of the
list could go in two directions here:
> wordsToApp :: [String] -> Appt
> wordsToApp ws | head ws == "!" = mkAppt True (tail ws)
> | otherwise = mkAppt False (ws)
Now it's just a matter of parsing the rest of the line. For
simplicity's sake, I took the liberty of assuming you always
used the same number of digits for the hours, so I didn't
have to search for the "-":
> mkAppt :: Bool -> [String] -> Appt
> mkAppt isImp (w:ws) = Appt (isImp, start, done, note)
> where (hs, hd) = splitAt 3 w -- assumes zero-padded (eg 01-03)
> start = atoi hs
> done = atoi hd
> note = foldr1 concat ws
> concat a b = a ++ " " ++ b
That "atoi" function came from working through the exercises
in Rex Pages online book ( )
> horner str = foldr1 op (reverse str)
> where op d s = d + (10 * s)
> atoi str = horner [digitToInt d | d <- str]
Then I defined a main function:
> -- I wonder what a refec is. :)
> main = do print $ strToApps "! 10-11 lecture\n12-13 lunch at the refec :("
... And that's it! I think it would work if I could figure
out how to print Appt objects (or whatever you call them in
haskell). Meanwhile, I get this because of the way I defined
Main> main
- Michal
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