how to store new values in variables?

Anders Elfgren
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 15:59:52 +0100 (MET)

Hi, its me with the dungeon master-game again.. I'm in the process of
making me able to move around, which I have succeeded with. Kind of.

Remember the map

type Pic = [[Char]]
maplevel1 =     ["##############",
                "#            #",
                "###          #",
                "#            #",
                "# #          #",
                "#P#          #",
                "# #m         #",

Now, I've made a function called s (for south) which just moves the 'P'
one step down. It looks like this

s :: Pic
s = remap (findPos 'P' 1) (0,1) 1

findPos just finds the positin of the P, and 0,1 tells remap to move it
one step on the y-axis. The remap function looks overly complicated right
now so I'm not gonna put it in here, nad I dont think it really matters.

What I want to do tho, is something like this

s :: Pic
s = maplevel1 <- (remap (findPos 'P' 1) (0,1) 1)
so that it not only returns the new Pic, but also sets the maplevel1
variable to look like it should after the move.

If I do 
putStr (unlines s)
twice, it should move down two steps.. but it doesnt.

We didn't learn this, well I didn't :), in the Haskell course so if
someone can just give me an example of how I should do it it'd be nice..

Thanks again.

The dm2.hs can be downloaded from

and yes, the draw2 function works :)

Anders Elfgren                          || AKA: Srekel and Farfar
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ICQ: 4596105                            || AIM: Srekel
- Kaka e gott                           || - Cs e halva mitt liv