Typing units correctly
David Barton
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 06:43:06 -0500
Tom Pledger writes:
In both of those cases, the apparent non-integer dimension is
accompanied by a particular unit (km, V). So, could they equally
well be handled by stripping away the units and exponentiating a
dimensionless number? For example:
(x / 1V) ^ y
I think not. The "Dimension Types" paper really is excellent, and
makes the distinction between the necessity of exponents on the
dimensions and the exponents on the numbers very clear; I commend it
to everyone in this discussion. The two things (a number of "square
root volts" and a "number of volts to an exponent" are different
things, unless you are simply trying to represent a ground number as
an expression!
Dave Barton <*>
dlb@averstar.com )0(