[Hackathon] icfp/hackathon accomodation

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk
Sun Jun 14 07:56:39 EDT 2009


Friends of mine are performing at the Edinburgh Fridge Festival and
apparently may have a spare flat available for much of the period
covering ICFP.

> We will actually have a 4/5 bedroom flat which you could have for five
> or six days from the 31st if it suited- would suit us as we aren't
> using it but they will only hire by the week.

The advantage of this one is that it may be cheaper, but it would not
cover the hackathon, we'd have to find somewhere else for those two

Hiring a shared flat is one of the cheaper and nicer ways of getting
accommodation in Edinburgh around the festival time (since all the
hostels and hotels will be expensive and booked up). However it has to
be booked early and obviously you need to have enough people. For the
poor starving students, sharing rooms within flats also works.

There's a big list of other flats advertised via the Edinburgh Fridge



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