Kind refinement in type families with PolyKinds
Andres Löh
andres.loeh at
Tue Oct 30 23:46:27 CET 2012
I had said earlier that:
>> This one looks strange to me:
>>>> -- Stripping a type from all its arguments
>>>> type family Strip (t :: *) :: k
>> I'd be tempted to read this as saying that
>>> Strip :: forall k. * -> k
>> So the result of Strip would actually have to be kind-polymorphic. I'm
>> surprised that
>>>> type instance Strip (Maybe a) = Maybe
>> then doesn't trigger an error.
> In my experience, such kind arguments are treated like family indices,
> not parameters.
Oh, I see. Thanks. This actually makes sense, but not have guessed it.
So then the behaviour of GHC seems correct. For example, this
> type family Strip (t :: *) :: k
> type instance Strip (Maybe a) = Either
> type instance Strip (Maybe a) = Maybe
> type instance Strip (Maybe a) = Int
> test :: (Strip (Maybe Int) Bool Char, Strip (Maybe Int) (), Strip (Maybe Char))
> test = (Left True, Just (), 5)
The problem with
>> x :: Apply (Strip (Maybe a) :: * -> *) (a ': '[]) :=: Maybe a
>> x = Refl
is indeed that without the type annotation, there's no way for GHC to
infer the (implicit) kind parameter, because you're passing it to
something which is also kind polymorphic.
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