Code review for new primop's CMM code?
Ryan Newton
rrnewton at
Fri Mar 30 02:38:32 CEST 2012
Perhaps a question mark is more appropriate in the title. It is a code
review I am seeking, not one on offer ;-).
On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 12:56 AM, Ryan Newton <rrnewton at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In preparation for students working on concurrent data structures GSOC(s),
> I wanted to make sure they could count on CAS for array elements as well as
> IORefs. The following patch represents my first attempt:
> It passes a simple test [Appendix 2 below], but I am very unsure as to
> whether the GC write barrier is correct. Could someone do a code-review on
> the following few lines of CMM:
> if (GET_INFO(arr) == stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_CLEAN_info) {
> SET_HDR(arr, stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_DIRTY_info, CCCS);
> len = StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs(arr);
> // The write barrier. We must write a byte into the mark table:
> I8[arr + SIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs + WDS(len) + (ind >>
> }
> Thanks,
> -Ryan
> -- Appendix 1: First draft code CMM definition for casArray#
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> stg_casArrayzh
> /* MutableArray# s a -> Int# -> a -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int#, a
> #) */
> {
> W_ arr, p, ind, old, new, h, len;
> arr = R1; // anything else?
> ind = R2;
> old = R3;
> new = R4;
> p = arr + SIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs + WDS(ind);
> (h) = foreign "C" cas(p, old, new) [];
> if (h != old) {
> // Failure, return what was there instead of 'old':
> RET_NP(1,h);
> } else {
> // Compare and Swap Succeeded:
> if (GET_INFO(arr) == stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_CLEAN_info) {
> SET_HDR(arr, stg_MUT_ARR_PTRS_DIRTY_info, CCCS);
> len = StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs(arr);
> // The write barrier. We must write a byte into the mark table:
> I8[arr + SIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs + WDS(len) + (ind >>
> }
> RET_NP(0,h);
> }
> }
> -- Appendix 2: Simple test file; when run it should print:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- Perform a CAS within a MutableArray#
> -- 1st try should succeed: (True,33)
> -- 2nd should fail: (False,44)
> -- Printing array:
> -- 33 33 33 44 33
> -- Done.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> {-# Language MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
> import GHC.IO
> import GHC.IORef
> import GHC.ST
> import GHC.STRef
> import GHC.Prim
> import GHC.Base
> import Data.Primitive.Array
> import Control.Monad
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- -- | Write a value to the array at the given index:
> casArrayST :: MutableArray s a -> Int -> a -> a -> ST s (Bool, a)
> casArrayST (MutableArray arr#) (I# i#) old new = ST$ \s1# ->
> case casArray# arr# i# old new s1# of
> (# s2#, x#, res #) -> (# s2#, (x# ==# 0#, res) #)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> {-# NOINLINE mynum #-}
> mynum :: Int
> mynum = 33
> main = do
> putStrLn "Perform a CAS within a MutableArray#"
> arr <- newArray 5 mynum
> res <- stToIO$ casArrayST arr 3 mynum 44
> res2 <- stToIO$ casArrayST arr 3 mynum 44
> putStrLn$ " 1st try should succeed: "++show res
> putStrLn$ "2nd should fail: "++show res2
> putStrLn "Printing array:"
> forM_ [0..4] $ \ i -> do
> x <- readArray arr i
> putStr (" "++show x)
> putStrLn ""
> putStrLn "Done."
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