Records in Haskell

Greg Weber greg at
Sun Jan 15 13:38:20 CET 2012

On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 12:52 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones
<simonpj at>wrote:

> Complexities of (Plan B)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Proposal (Plan B) sounds innocent enough.  But I promise you, it isn't.
> There has ben some mention of the "left-to-right" bias of Frege type
> inference engine; indeed the wohle explanation of which programs are
> accepted and which are rejected, inherently involves an understanding
> of the type inference algorithm.  This is a Very Bad Thing when the
> type inference algorithm gets complicated, and GHC's is certainly
> complicated.
> Here's an example:
>   type family F a b
>   data instance F Int [a] = Mk { f :: Int }
>   g :: F Int b  -> ()
>   h :: F a [Bool] -> ()
>   k x = (g x, x.f, h x)
> Consider type inference on k.  Initially we know nothing about the
> type of x.
>  * From the application (g x) we learn that x's type has
>   shape (F Int <something>).
>  * From the application (h x) we learn that x's type has
>   shape (F <something else> [Bool])
>  * Hence x's type must be (F Int [Bool])
>  * And hence, using the data family we can see which field
>   f is intended.
> Notice that
>  a) Neither left to right nor right to left would suffice
>  b) There is significant interaction with type/data families
>    (and I can give you more examples with classes and GADTs)
>  c) In passing we note that it is totally unclear how (Plan A)
>    would deal with data families
> This looks like a swamp.  In a simple Hindley-Milner typed language
> you might get away with some informal heuristics, but Haskell is far
> too complicated.

I rarely use Haskell's complex type machinery (and must admit to very
little understanding of it). So before dismissing this as difficult to
resolve in the face of a complex type system, For the complex type system I
would like to figure out.
* I am assuming that it is always possible to add a type annotation. Is
there extra complexity to the annotation, or can we just annotate the
record or top-level function?
* which parts of Haskell's complex type sytem will require type annotations
for Frege-style records.
* does using a library that uses complex machinery under the hood but tries
to limit the complexity of types exposed to the user end up infecting the
user's code with respect to difficulty in resolving records.

What makes the Haskell's type system great is first and foremost
typeclasses. And this is as complex as the vast majority of code gets. It
doesn't sound that bad to have an implementation that works very well for
the vast majority of code but requires using type annotations or normal
verbose name-spacing for those few parts that are already using verbose
name spacing.

>  - When you have SORF, you don't really need anything else
> The blocking issues are described on
>  a) "Representation hiding" (look for that heading)
>  b) "Record update" (ditto), most especially for records whose
>     fields have polymorphic types
> If we fix these we can move forward.
So essentially records are stalled again :(
I will keep trying to see if I can figure something out.
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