mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted main:Main

Simon Marlow marlowsd at
Thu Oct 6 14:21:43 CEST 2011

On 04/10/2011 21:33, Chris Smith wrote:
> Here's a version with fewer flags/features, that acts the same.
> I tried removing the loading of an external module, and that did *not*
> exhibit the problem.  It also does *not* fail when the file name is
> different each time, so the fact that it's the same file, A.hs, each
> time is somehow part of the issue.
> I'm getting to the point where I can't imagine what this could possibly
> be about.

Without trying it, I think I can explain what's going on.  First of all, 
this line:

 >              GHC.setContext [ mainMod ] [ ]

tells GHC to set the context to include the whole top-level scope of 
module Main.  It's just like ":module *Main" in GHCi.  It only works if 
Main is interpreted - normally GHCi checks that, but in this case the 
GHC API just falls over.  That's probably bad, we should make it raise a 
proper exception.

Anyway, that doesn't explain the whole problem - why is Main interpreted 
sometimes and not others?  After all, you're creating the file A.hs 
before invoking GHC.

Note that you're using HscAsm, which tells GHC to create an object file. 
  So after running this once, you'll have A.hs, A.o and A.hi.  The next 
time you run the script, A.hs will be recreated.  If you're unlucky, 
A.hs and A.o will have the same timestamp (Unix filesystem timestamps 
only have 1-second accuracy).

So GHC has to decide whether A.o is up to date or not.  It makes the 
unsafe assumption that A.o is up to date, and uses it, which leads to 
your problem.  But why is GHC being unsafe here?  Well, a couple of reasons:

  - make also behaves this way

  - in practice build systems often generate files and then compile
    them immediately.  If we erred on the safe side, we would see a
    lot of apparently unnecessary recompilation.

I can imagine there's a case to be made for changing this.

However, you can also fix it at your end, and arguably this is the right 

>      target<- GHC.guessTarget "*A.hs" Nothing

adding the '*' prefix tells GHC not to load the .o file.


> {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
> import System.IO.Unsafe
> import GHC.Exts  (unsafeCoerce#)
> import GHC.Paths (libdir)
> import qualified GHC      as GHC
> import qualified DynFlags as GHC
> compile :: IO (Maybe Int)
> compile = GHC.runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
>      dflags<- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
>      let dflags' = dflags { GHC.ghcLink = GHC.LinkInMemory }
>      GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags'
>      target<- GHC.guessTarget "A.hs" Nothing
>      GHC.setTargets [target]
>      r<- fmap GHC.succeeded (GHC.load GHC.LoadAllTargets)
>      case r of
>          True ->  do
>              mods<- GHC.getModuleGraph
>              let mainMod = GHC.ms_mod (head mods)
>              GHC.setContext [ mainMod ] [ ]
>              v<- GHC.compileExpr "a :: Integer"
>              return (Just (unsafeCoerce# v))
>          False ->  return Nothing
> main = do
>      writeFile "A.hs" "a = 42"
>      print =<<  compile
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