Quasi quoting
Jason Dusek
jason.dusek at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 17:46:35 EST 2010
2010/02/01 Simon Peyton-Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>:
> That might be quite convenient, but alas [|...|] has already
> been taken by Template Haskell quotes, meaning [e| ...|]. So
> you'd need something else. [*|...|] perhaps.
Why is that a problem? Would TH and quasi-quoting be likely to
be enabled at the same time? One could decide in favour of QQs
if they are enabled (though yes, this is likely horrible on
the inside).
> Or we could switch to different quotation brackets altogether
> for quasiquotation, the obvious possibility being
> <|...blah...|>, and <pads|...blah...|>. [...]
It's true; but I suspect `<|' and `|>' are actually widely
used. Wouldn't `(|' and `|)' be safer?
In either case, it's easy to see how me evolve an
indentational quasi-quote syntax: `[|]' or `(|)'. If the
default quasi-quoter is simple string literals, then there's
no need for a HEREDOC in the language.
Jason Dusek
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