Attempts to install libraries with GHC 6.12.1rc1

Neil Brown nccb2 at
Tue Oct 13 07:04:33 EDT 2009

Simon Marlow wrote:
> network is one of those packages that has a configure script, but the 
> configure script is generated by autoconf from, so it is 
> not stored in the darcs repository.  When you get the network package 
> from darcs, you need to
>  $ autoreconf
>  $ runhaskell Setup configure
>  etc.
Great -- thanks.  I can confirm that with the latest darcs version of 
the network library, doing that step allowed the library to build and 
install successfully (though still with the GCC spam I mentioned).  (The 
latest hackage version of network still did not install properly even if 
I used autoreconf.)

My next failing package install attempt was uvector, which fails with 
messages like those I got with the unix package:

    `haFD' is not a (visible) field of constructor `Handle__'

    `haBuffer' is not a (visible) field of constructor `Handle__'

    `haIsStream' is not a (visible) field of constructor `Handle__'

    Not in scope: data constructor `Buffer'

    `bufBuf' is not a (visible) field of constructor `Buffer'

    `bufWPtr' is not a (visible) field of constructor `Buffer'

The latest darcs version of uvector is no different.  Will these 
problems need to be fixed in the code on a per-package basis, or is 
there a cabal fix that can overcome them?



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