GHC.IO was: Re: 6.12.1 release

Simon Marlow marlowsd at
Mon Nov 2 07:03:17 EST 2009

On 22/10/2009 13:05, Christian Maeder wrote:
> Simon Marlow schrieb:
>> On 22/10/2009 11:09, Christian Maeder wrote:
>>> Simon Marlow schrieb:
>>>> Simon and I favour the RC2 option.  What do others think?
>>> +1
>>> I've quite some trouble to port our old code to ghc-6.12
>>> and did not test RC1 much.
>> If you just need hPutBuf and hGetBuf, then get them from System.IO.
> Thanks for this hint. I got further (also after replacing some non-ascii
> characters in comments, i.e. a broken bar "-- ¦ ..."). The next spot is:
> Posixutil/CopyFile.hs:124:19: Not in scope: `slurpFile'
> copyFileToCStringLen :: FilePath ->  IO CStringLen
> copyFileToCStringLen file =
>     do
>        (ptr,len)<- slurpFile file
>        return (castPtr ptr,len)

slurpFile was an internal operation in the IO library that went away. 
You should probably use ByteString's readFile instead.


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