Can't compile GHC 6.8.2

Barney Stratford barney_stratford at
Mon Nov 24 06:26:55 EST 2008

I'm trying to compile GHC 6.8.2 using my existing GHC 6.2, but the
typechecker refuses to compile. The problem seems to be that the hi-boot
files in compiler/typecheck contain some incorrect type signatures. I've
fixed most of them, but TcMatches.hi-boot-6 has slightly stumped me. As
it stands, it says

tcMatchesFun :: Name.Name
	     -> HsExpr.MatchGroup Name.Name
	     -> TcType.BoxyRhoType
	     -> TcRnTypes.TcM (HsBinds.HsWrapper, HsExpr.MatchGroup TcRnTypes.TcId)

but it should say something like

tcMatchesFun :: Name.Name -> Bool
	     -> HsExpr.MatchGroup Name.Name
	     -> TcType.BoxyRhoType
	     -> TcRnTypes.TcM (HsBinds.HsWrapper, HsExpr.MatchGroup TcRnTypes.TcId)

Unfortunately, that doesn't work, as it assumes I meant TcMatches.Bool,
so I tried saying Prelude.Bool instead. Now I get the complaint that
Prelude.Bool isn't in scope.

Has anyone else seen this issue? I've looked for answers in the docs and
with Google, but no luck.

I'm running Mac OS 10.3, with GHC 6.2 installed under Fink. I borrowed
the Fink package for GHC 6.8.2 and adapted it slightly so it would
bootstrap from my existing GHC, as the bootstrap code available for
download relies on a later version of my OS. GHC 6.2 can't compile GHC
6.10, which is why I'm going for the earlier version.


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