Crash in garbage collector

Colin Paul Adams colin at
Fri Nov 21 12:00:14 EST 2008

>>>>> "Colin" == Colin Paul Adams <colin at> writes:

    Simon> If you're calling a Haskell library from C, the problem
    Simon> might be that you forgot hs_add_root(), or that your
    Simon> hs_add_root() isn't pointing to the right module (it should
    Simon> point to the module that transitively imports all the other
    Simon> modules in your library).  You can use multiple
    Simon> hs_add_root() calls if necessary.

    Colin> I'm sure I have that right. There is only one
    Colin> module. Unless somehow the __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ symbol isn't
    Colin> getting defined for the C compile. I'll try removing the
    Colin> #ifdef to see if that makes a difference.

It wasn't that. And yum has just updated my version of ghc from 6.8.2
to 6.8.3 - no 6.10.1 available yet. I'll just wait for that first, in
case the new GC makes a change.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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