`show' in ghci dialogue

Serge D. Mechveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Sat Jan 12 07:58:14 EST 2008


I have a question about usage of `show' in the GHCi dialogue system.

I introduce my user  class DShow,  trying to improve the class Show of
Haskell-98. For example, I program

class DShow a where dShow :: ShowOptions -> a -> String
main = let listOfListPairs = [ ([1,2,3], []     ),
                               ([4,5,6], [7]    ),
                               ([9,8,0], [0,0,0])
                             ]                     :: [ ([Int], [Int]) ]
           opts = ShowOptions {verbosity      = 2, 
                               listSepator    = ", \n\n", 
                               fieldSeparator = ", \n"}
       putStr (dShow opts listOfListPairs)

Then, the command  ./Main  outputs 

[([1, 2, 3], []),

([4, 5, 6], [7]),

([9, 8, 0], [0, 0, 0])]

This way of the output format control by dShow and ShowOptions is my goal. 
But the command  

  > main

in the ghci interpreter outputs something like this:

"[([1, 2, 3), []),\n\n([4, 5, 6), [7]),\n\n([9, 8, 0],\n\n[0, 0, 0])]"

How can the user force  ghci  to output the same output format as in 
the case of  ./Main 
(how to interprete '\n') ?

1. If we give to the interpreter the line

   > listOfListPairs

, then the  ghci  dialogue system does interprete the NewLine 
characters on output as needed -- 
only          for the value of  (show listOfListPairs).
And I need it for the value of  (dShow opts listOfListPairs).
Is there any way to substitute a user function instead of `show' in the  
ghci  output?  (and dShow has additional argument ...).

2. Which function  outputs  a string in the  ghci  dialogue system?
   Can the user make this function to interprete the NewLine character 
   in the argument string?

Thank you in advance for your explanation.

Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at botik.ru

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