combination not supported: Threaded/Profiling when building NDP library

shelarcy shelarcy at
Thu Sep 20 05:30:38 EDT 2007

Hello Ben,

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 18:21:35 +0900, Ben Gaster <brg at> wrote:
> Having read the papers on Nested Data Parallelism in the Haskell I
> wanted to play around with the de-sugared implementation in the GHC
> library NDP. I have built GHC from source, on RHE5, and then installed
> the NDP library from the tar ball. Following the build instructions in
> the README I got to building the library which resulted in the following
> error being reported:
> ghc-6-6.1: combination not supported: Threaded/Profiling
>This seems to be down to the fact that -prof and -threaded have been
> specified on a particular build line, although I emit not to be
> completely sure about this.

If you want just testing ndp package, I think you can install with cabal
instead of README file way.

And you problem come from current rts' implemantion.
Current rts' code cause the problem when using -prof and -threaded combination.
So GHC's developper team omit this option to avoid problem by that
in ghc 6.6.x release phase.

If you want to use their combination, please vote above Ticket #886
by adding your e-mail address to 'cc' field and commebt your problem,
instead of just sending e-mail to this mailing-list.

Because GHC's team decides task priority by using this field and comment.

Best Regards,

shelarcy <shelarcy>

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