ghc api, some simple questions
Claus Reinke
claus.reinke at
Fri Jun 29 09:20:00 EDT 2007
- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -package ghc #-}
would be useful, doesn't give a warning, but doesn't work, either.
-package works in ghci, but not in source pragmas, why?
- hostSession
hardcoding topDir doesn't seem to be a good idea. shouldn't
GHC export means to get at the "hosting" ghc session (the one
compiling the current code), so that one could ask for topDir there?
currently, i'm calling "ghc --print-libdir" externally ..
if nothing else, perhaps something like the 'ghcDir' hack from
the example below could be in GHC?
- ppr/printForUser
should GHC reexport Outputable?
also, ppr doesn't seem to handle infix op definitions correctly,
printing the left-hand side in prefix form, but without parentheses?
[ghc 6.6.1]
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -package ghc #-}
module API where
import DynFlags
import GHC
import System.Process
import System.IO
import Outputable
mode = Interactive
-- shouldn't something like this be in System.Process?
writer >| cmd = runInteractiveCommand cmd >>= \(i,o,e,p)->writer i
cmd |> reader = runInteractiveCommand cmd >>= \(i,o,e,p)->reader o
-- shouldn't GHC export a hostSession,
-- so that we could ask for things like topDir there?
ghcDir = "ghc --print-libdir" |> (fmap dropLineEnds . hGetContents)
where dropLineEnds = filter (not . (`elem` "\r\n"))
main = defaultErrorHandler defaultDynFlags $ do
s <- newSession mode . Just =<< ghcDir
flags <- getSessionDynFlags s
(flags, _) <- parseDynamicFlags flags ["-package ghc"]
GHC.defaultCleanupHandler flags $ do
setSessionDynFlags s flags{ hscTarget=HscInterpreted }
addTarget s =<< guessTarget "API.hs" Nothing
load s LoadAllTargets
prelude <- findModule s (mkModuleName "Prelude") Nothing
usermod <- findModule s (mkModuleName "API") Nothing
setContext s [usermod] [prelude]
Just cm <- checkModule s (mkModuleName "API")
unqual <- getPrintUnqual s
printForUser stdout unqual $ ppr $ parsedSource cm
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