Build Systems (was: Re: 64-bit windows version?)

Peter Tanski p.tanski at
Mon Jun 25 17:08:54 EDT 2007

Gour wrote:
> Have you seen Aap ( ?

I have A-A-P (or Aap) but I only did the basic hello-world build and  
read the manual.  It has in fact been updated as late as Febuary  
2007.  The Make-like syntax is elegant.  Maybe someone else could  
look at this and see if they want to do something big in it?  One  
thing that would have to be done for Haskell is write special Aap  
modules.  The builtin ability to grab sources from CVS and publish  
things to the web might be extended to darcs and Trac.  My one gripe  
is that it requires both Python and Perl.


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