status of GreenCard support

Marc Weber marco-oweber at
Thu Feb 22 16:19:08 EST 2007

> some simple fix that would make code generated by GreenCard work, or is there 
> some alternative tool that will make it work?  What's the status of C2HS?
c2hs seems to be quite stable. It's used in gtk2hs which exists for a
long time now. c2hs is one way only. There is yet another tool: hdirect.
But because its using an extra description language (IDL) it seems to be
not the best choice for this task. It has been developed to interface
with COM on windows. Please correct me if I'm wrong ;-)

When using cabal and GreenCard it might be the case that you have to
tweak setup.hs to add --libdir parameters. Probably it would be better
to update cabal. Maybe I've missed a point to configure it correctly?
If I can save you some minutes by dropping you me quick setup.hs hack
let me know it.


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