[Haskell-cafe] External Core

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Wed Feb 7 03:29:51 EST 2007

| I am still working on it. Some external events have slowed me down a
| little (research, classes, appendicitis), and it has involved more
| changes to the innards of GHC than anticipated, but it is still
| moving along. If you can wait a little while, it should be possible
| to use GHC.

I'm delighted to hear it; thank you.  Maybe there are others who'd like to join in?

Keep me posted about those "changes to the innards" you mention!

| A slight extension of what I'm doing, which would probably be very
| useful, would be to export functions for working with external core
| from the GHC API.

Indeed, that'd be a fine thing.


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