ANNOUNCE: GHC 6.6 Second Release Candidate

Ross Paterson ross at
Sun Oct 8 18:52:44 EDT 2006

On Sun, Oct 08, 2006 at 05:30:25PM -0500, Brian Smith wrote:
> I was looking under "latest stable version" on the Cabal website. I
> thought it was the latest version of the docs because the URL had
> "latest" in it.

Hmm, quite a bit of historical stuff there.

> I see that it is documented in later versions. But, I don't see how
> that mechanism would help in this situation.

You still have to bump the version number immediately before you release.
You can bump it again immediately after you release (e.g. if you're using
Linux-style odd/even version numbering), but you don't have to, because
snapshot source distributions will have version numbers like 2.0.20061008
-- intermediate between 2.0 and 2.1, but with a date for bug tracking.

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