installing a Cabal package non-exposed

S. Alexander Jacobson alex at
Thu Jun 15 14:21:07 EDT 2006

Personally, I find the whole notion of "installing" libraries 
problematic.  In particular, unless the process of building the 
libraries is particularly user-directed, local library copies are 
really de facto caches.

And since different application need different library namespaces it 
seems weird to have a global cache.

Searchpath allows you easily to give each application its own 
namespace and automates import chasing accross the internet.  It is a 
work in progress and is definitely less refined than cabal, but if you 
are having this sort of issue you might want to try it out.  See

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565

Have you tried using searchpath for this sort of thing?

On Thu, 15 Jun 2006, Christian Maeder wrote:

> Hi,
> how can install a Cabal package hidden directly? Currently I simply
> install it and have to hide it afterwards, manually. (Meanwhile one
> could get a conflict with new exposed modules.)
> I've tried "./setup register --gen-script" and edit the file
> "", but that does not install the .a file.
> Thanks Christian
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