
Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at
Thu Jun 1 11:34:37 EDT 2006

Michael Marte wrote:

> I installed ghc-6-4-2.msi on Windows.
> The same behaviour is exposed by ghc 6.4.1 on Debian Linux.

Not here!  Can you tell me *exactly* how you encounter the problem?

> The deprecation took place on July 29th last year as is clearly visible 
> from the CVS log, see below.

You're looking at the HEAD, the 6.4 releases are taken from the 
ghc-6-4-branch.  Our latest sources are in a darcs repository.

> Data.Sequence is in the CVS repository 

again, in HEAD only, not 6.4 branch

> and there is a file Sequence.hi 
> in hslibs-imports/data in my installation.

That Sequence module is part of Edison, in the (old) package data. 
Also, it is called "Sequence", as opposed to "Data.Sequence", which is 
in 6.5.


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