RULES pragmas
Simon Peyton-Jones
simonpj at
Fri Jul 14 07:51:56 EDT 2006
I've started a Wiki page, attached to GHC's collaborative documentation,
as a place to collect advice about RULES.
Please feel free to elaborate it.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: glasgow-haskell-users-bounces at
[mailto:glasgow-haskell-users-bounces at]
| On Behalf Of Donald Bruce Stewart
| Sent: 12 July 2006 01:41
| To: Malcolm Wallace
| Cc: glasgow-haskell-users at
| Subject: Re: RULES pragmas
| Malcolm.Wallace:
| > I have a question about {-# RULES #-} pragmas. Here is a very
| > attempt to use them:
| >
| > module Simplest where
| > {-# RULES
| > "simplestRule" forall x. id (id x) = x
| > #-}
| > myDefn = id (id 42)
| >
| > I want to verify whether ghc-6.4.1 does actually fire this rule, but
| > have so far been unable to do so. According to the manual (section
| > 7.10.5), the flag -ddump-rules should list "simplestRule" if it has
| > parsed correctly, and -ddump-simpl-stats should list the number of
| > it has fired. But it does not appear in either listing.
| >
| > Reasoning that I have the syntax wrong, I have tried numerous
| > on the indentation, added type signatures, etc., all to no avail.
| >
| > So what am I doing wrong? And is there any way to ask the compiler
| > give a warning if the RULES pragma contains errors?
| In this case, it's because it's missing -fglasgow-exts, I think.
| The following works for me with both 6.4 and 6.5 compilers:
| module Simplest where
| {-# RULES
| "simplestRule" forall x. id (id x) = x
| #-}
| myDefn = id (id 42)
| when compiled with:
| $ ghc-6.4.2 -fglasgow-exts -c -ddump-simpl-stats A.hs
| ==================== Grand total simplifier statistics
| Total ticks: 11
| 2 PreInlineUnconditionally
| 3 PostInlineUnconditionally
| 1 UnfoldingDone
| 1 RuleFired
| 1 simplestRule
| 4 BetaReduction
| 2 SimplifierDone
| However, in general, you need to be careful that your identifiers
| weren't inlined in the first phase. To control this we add an INLINE
| pragma to identifiers we want to match in rules, to ensure they
| disappeared by the time the rule matching comes around.
| Also, you need -O to have rules kick in locally.
| So,
| module Simplest where
| {-# RULES
| "simplestRule" forall x. myid (myid x) = x
| #-}
| myDefn = myid (myid 42)
| myid x = x
| {-# INLINE [1] myid #-}
| And:
| $ ghc-6.4.2 -fglasgow-exts -O -c -ddump-simpl-stats A.hs
| ==================== Grand total simplifier statistics
| Total ticks: 15
| 6 PreInlineUnconditionally
| 2 UnfoldingDone
| 1 RuleFired
| 1 simplestRule
| 5 BetaReduction
| 1 KnownBranch
| 8 SimplifierDone
| Cheers,
| Don
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