Packages in GHC 6.6

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Thu Aug 24 10:45:37 EDT 2006

Hi Karsmir,

> I wrote simple tool that I am using to build MSI installer for Visual
> Haskell. It will not be so hard to extend it to support Cabal. After
> that it will be easy to prepare an installer for GHC with optional
> libraries. Don't expect it to be ready for 6.6 release!

Would it be possible to have it work for WinHugs as well? It would be
nice if GHC/Hugs had some nice integration in this point. The other
thing to think of is that Hugs and GHC both steal the .hs extension on
Windows - and GHC's icon for .hs files is uglier than the Hugs one.



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