GHC Error in linker "undeined reference"
Johan Grönqvist
johan.gronqvist at
Sat Aug 12 16:23:50 EDT 2006
I am using ghc on ubuntu 6.06, and it has worked well for my first few
attempts (one example pasted below), but I now have a file that works
well in ghci, but not in ghc.
When loading the file (pasted below) into ghci, it works fine.and the
program runs as expected. Compilation (linking, actually) with ghc gives
error messages (pasted below), but when I again start ghci adn load the
program, I can see that it now uses the compiled ".o"-file instead of
interpreting the program.
I assume that some files that should be installed by default are not
I apologize if I am violating any policy about pasting in messages.
Thanks in advance for any help
/ johan
-- Working example:
sort [] = []
sort (x:xs) = insert x (sort xs)
where insert x [] = [x]
insert x (y:ys) | x <= y = (x:y:ys)
| otherwise = y : (insert x ys)
main = print $ sort [1,4,53,45,1,435,45,45,1,435,45,145,45345,3,345]
-- Non-linkable example
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.List
class Stack s a where
emptyStack :: (s a)
isEmpty :: State (s a) Bool
pop :: State (s a) a
push :: a -> State (s a) ()
nTh :: Int -> State (s a) a
depth :: State (s a) Int
instance Stack [] a where
emptyStack = [] :: [a]
isEmpty = get >>= \lst -> return (length lst == 0)
pop = get >>= \(x:xs) -> put xs >> return x
push x = get >>= \xs -> put (x:xs) >> return ()
nTh n = get >>= \lst -> return $ lst !! n
depth = get >>= (return . length)
class Mem m a where
emptyMem :: Int -> a -> ST s (m s Int a)
fetch :: (m s Int a) -> Int -> ST s a
store :: (m s Int a) -> Int -> a -> ST s ()
instance Mem STArray a where
emptyMem n val = newArray (0,n) val :: ST s (STArray s Int a)
fetch m ix = readArray m ix
store m ix val = writeArray m ix val
stackTest = evalState doStackTest (emptyStack :: [Int]) where
doStackTest = (push 4 >> push 2 >> pop >>= \a -> pop >>= \b -> return
memTest = runST doMemTest where
doMemTest :: ST s (Int,Int)
doMemTest = ((emptyMem 2 0 :: ST s (STArray s Int Int)) >>= \mem ->
store mem 0 2 >> store mem 1 4 >> fetch mem 0 >>= \a -> fetch mem 1 >>=
\b -> return (a,b))
main = (print stackTest >> print memTest >> return ())
Error messages frm ghc:
ubuntu at ubuntu:~/haskell/Forth$ ghc forth.lhs
forth.o: In function `s2Q0_info': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `s2Q6_info': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `s2Qp_info': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `s2QA_info': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `s2R5_info': undefined reference to
forth.o: more undefined references to
`ControlziMonadziState_zdfMonadStates_closure' follow
forth.o: In function `s2TI_info': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `s2TL_info': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `s2Tm_info': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `s2Tp_info': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `s2TO_info': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `r2Pv_info': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `__stginit_Main_': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `Main_zdfStackZMZN_srt': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `s2TO_srt': undefined reference to
forth.o: In function `r2Pv_srt': undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
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