6.4.2 under solaris

Christian Maeder maeder at tzi.de
Thu Apr 20 05:19:30 EDT 2006

Volker Stolz wrote:
> Without the 3rd arg is according to POSIX (check your Solaris man page).
> 'buf' is required to be at least 26 bytes.

You're right, but it does not compile without the 3rd argument! Maybe 
this is due to gcc_4.0.3_s10 ? Should one simply rely on ctime?

Cheers Christian

man ctime_r

char *ctime_r(const time_t *clock, char *buf, int buflen);

      The ctime_r() function has the same functionality as ctime()
      except  that the caller must supply a buffer buf with length
      buflen to store the result; buf must be at least  26  bytes.
      The  standard-conforming  ctime_r() function does not take a
      buflen parameter.

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