using ghc with make
Bulat Ziganshin
bulat.ziganshin at
Wed Apr 19 11:42:58 EDT 2006
Hello Simon,
Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 4:45:19 PM, you wrote:
> Believe me I've looked in detail at your streams library.
> Performance-wise it is great but the design needs to be reworked IMO.
> The main problem is that it doesn't have enough type structure. There
> are many combinations of stream transformers that don't make sense, and
> should therefore be ruled out by the type system. There are operations
> that don't work on some streams. There should at the least be a type
> distinction between directly accessible memory streams, byte streams,
> and text streams. Additionally I would add separate classes for
> seekable and buffered streams. I believe these changes would improve
> performance by reducing the size of dictionaries.
you have written this in February, but this discussion was not
finished due to my laziness. now i tried to split Stream interface to
several parts. so
1) that you think - Stream should be base for all other stream classes
or each Stream class should be independent? i.e.
class (Stream m h) => InByteStream m h where
vGetByte :: h -> m Word8
class InByteStream m h where
vGetByte :: h -> m Word8
2) separation of Stream classes make some automatic definitions
impossible. for example, released version contains vGetBuf
implementation that is defined via vGetChar and works ok for streams
that provide only vGetChar as base function. i tried to implement this
via instances (TextStream => BlockStream in this case) but this
immediately leads to the "incoherent instances" problem and so can't
be really used. now, when i implemented (in my internal version) your
suggestion about splitting TextStream, BlockStream and ByteStream
classes, i just repeat such definitions across each stream that needs
them. not very good, but seems that it the required sacrifice
well, i can explain it better. in released version there are
class Stream ... where
vGetBuf h buf n = {- repeat vGetChar operation -}
instance Stream StringBuffer where
vGetChar = ....
-- vGetBuf defined automatically
instance Stream StringReader where
vGetChar = ....
-- vGetBuf defined automatically
now, i should use the following:
instance TextStream StringBuffer where
vGetChar = ....
instance BlockStream StringBuffer where
vGetBuf h buf n = {- repeat vGetChar operation -}
instance TextStream StringReader where
vGetChar = ....
instance BlockStream StringReader where
vGetBuf h buf n = {- repeat vGetChar operation -}
as you see, the same vGetBuf implementation are repeated for each
Stream that have vGetChar as it's base operation. the following makes
compiler not very happy:
instance TextStream m h => BlockStream m h where
vGetBuf h buf n = {- repeat vGetChar operation -}
3) the problems are substantially growed now - when i tried to
separate input and output streams (the same will apply to detaching of
seekable streams into the separate class). the problem is what i need
either to provide 2 or 3 separate implementations for buffering of
read-only, write-only and read-write streams or have some universal
definition that should work even when base Stream don't provide part
of operations. the last seems to be impossible - may be i don't
understand enough Haskell's class system?
let's see:
data BufferedStream h = Buf h ....
vClose (Buf h ...) = vPutBuf ... - flush buffer's contents
how i can implement this if `h` may not support vPutBuf operation?
especially to allow read/write streams to work???
instance InBlockStream m h => SomeClass m (BufferedStream h) where
instance OutBlockStream m h => SomeClass m (BufferedStream h) where
GHC will be unhappy if some `h` supports both InBlockStream and
OutBlockStream interfaces
(if you don't understand the problem, i will write more. i even not
sure that i can formulate this problem clearly!)
4) what you mean by "There are many combinations of stream
transformers that don't make sense" ? splitting Stream class to the
BlockStream/TextStream/ByteStream or something else?
5) why you think we need separate class for buffered streams? the
classes defines INTERFACE of stream, i.e. supported operations, not
it's internal implementation
> There are problems with memory management: as far as I can tell, the
> buffers are never freed if you just release a stream. You should be
> using ForeignPtrs instead of explicitly malloc'd buffers.
i can use ForeignPtr just to "hold" buffer and Ptr inside
speed-critical code (and propose to do the same in your Binary
module). i.e. something like this:
data Buffer = Buf !ForeignPtr !FastMutPtr !FastMutPtr
-- buffer, current ptr, end of buffer
> Text encoding/decoding is inefficient. Not a design problem, of course,
> but having good text coding support is one of the main reasons for
> replacing the IO library.
i will write separate letter about this
> I have a sketched design if you'd like to see it sometime, but I have to
> extract it from the partially-written code.
i can just read this code to save your time. are you mean "new i/o"
library? btw, i still don't understand purpose of following code:
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Connecting streams
-- | An input stream created by 'streamOutputToInput'
data StreamInputStream = forall s . OutputStream s => StreamInputStream s
-- | Takes an output stream, and returns an input stream that will yield
-- all the data that is written to the output stream.
streamOutputToInput :: (OutputStream s) => s -> IO StreamInputStream
= error "unimplemented: streamOutputToInput"
-- | Takes an input stream and an output stream, and pipes all the
-- data from the former into the latter.
streamConnect :: (InputStream i, OutputStream o) => i -> o -> IO ()
streamConnect = error "unimplemented: streamInputToOutput"
can you say how it should work for the library user?
Best regards,
Bulat mailto:Bulat.Ziganshin at
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