Error compiling using Network module

Jorge Guerra jegd at
Fri Oct 28 08:29:15 EDT 2005

Hello to all,

I have recently began using ghc, in particular the network module and
I'm having problems with it. The following code ilustrates my problem,
is very simple all I try to do is connect to a socket in my local
machine send a request and print the response.

import IO
import Network

host    = ""
port    = PortNumber 631
request = "GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost:\n\n"

main = withSocketsDo $ do
       h <- connectTo host port
       hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
       hPutStr h request
       getResponse h
       hClose h

getResponse h = do
	     b <- hIsEOF h
	     if b == False
	         then do
		      line <- hGetChar h
		      hFlush h
		      putChar line
		      getResponse h
		 else putStrLn "End of Input"

When I try to compile it using the command:

ghc -o socketTest socketTest.hs

The following error appears:
socketTest.o(.text+0xe2): In function `r2dL_info':
: undefined reference to `NetworkziSocket_zdfNumPortNumber_closure'
socketTest.o(.text+0x7c1): In function `s2f8_info':
: undefined reference to `Network_connectTo_closure'
socketTest.o(.text+0x8c3): In function `Main_main_info':
: undefined reference to `NetworkziSocket_withSocketsDo_closure'
socketTest.o(.text+0x971): In function `__stginit_Main_':
: undefined reference to `__stginit_Network_'
socketTest.o(.data+0x20): In function `r2dN_closure':
: undefined reference to `Network_PortNumber_static_info'
socketTest.o(.rodata+0x10): In function `r2dL_srt':
: undefined reference to `NetworkziSocket_zdfNumPortNumber_closure'
socketTest.o(.rodata+0x74): In function `s2fJ_srt':
: undefined reference to `Network_connectTo_closure'
socketTest.o(.rodata+0x9c): In function `Main_main_srt':
: undefined reference to `NetworkziSocket_withSocketsDo_closure'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I'm using ghc-6.4.1 in Gentoo Linux 2005.0 running kernel 2.6.13 and

I don't know if is an error in my code or in ghc.  Any sugestions?

Thanks for your help

Jorge E. Guerra D.
Departamento de Computación y Tecnología de la Información
Universidad Simón Bolívar

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