cc1plus.exe not included in Win32 distro

Bulat Ziganshin bulatz at
Thu Oct 20 04:43:04 EDT 2005

Hello Sigbjorn,

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 3:58:03 AM, you wrote:

>> the official Win32 distro does not contain cc1plus.exe, needed to compile CPP files

SF> Should GHC binary dists include a C++ compiler? I'd say
SF> no, but if there are practical and compelling reasons to do
SF> so, it's no big deal to re-include the binary.

well, i scanned a number of libs and apps and found that they all
include only C sources (not counting wxHaskell, which anyway is
distributed in precompiled form). so i'm a bit out of luck: my program
contains huge C++ libs. so i need to include in my program and library
instructions to install C++ compiler. but this depends on the version
of GHC installed. may be you can include such instructions in your
distro? something like it:

"In order to compile C++ files, you nedd to download ... and then
install/unapck it to the $GHC/gcc-lib directory"

btw, i just copied cc1plus.exe to this directory from migw32 3.4.2
installation. is that enough?

and thank you - installer size was really greatly reduced in this

Best regards,
 Bulat                            mailto:bulatz at

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