Bug in placing _stub.o files with HEAD

Einar Karttunen ekarttun at cs.helsinki.fi
Fri Jul 29 20:20:57 EDT 2005


I noticed the following behaviour using GHC 6.5.20050728:
If compiling a Cabal package containing hs-source-dirs it 
places the _stub.o under dist/build/<source-dir>/path/to/Module
when Cabal expects it in dist/build/path/to/Module. Things
appear to work without hs-source-dirs. 

For example with "hs-source-dirs: src"
Network/GnuTLS/IOWrap.hs contains foreign export declarations.
runnning Setup build creates the files:

But Cabal fails to include the IOWrap_stub.o as it is 
expected as dist/build/Network/GnuTLS/IOWrap_stub.o

- Einar Karttunen

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