ghc-6.4.1-july-12 test is all right

Serge D. Mechveliani mechvel at
Thu Jul 21 09:04:21 EDT 2005

I wrote today on testing of  ghc-6.4.1-July-12-2005

> 3. Memory test with loading to  ghci  the whole DoCon test
>   (DoCon compiled with -O, tests compiled with -Onot)
>   and performing it:
>   6.4.1-July-12       needs the minimum of  18 Mb,
>   6.4, 6.4.1-June-14  need                  10 Mb.
> -- ?

This was some mistake of mine, probably.

Now, I repeated the docon `make', and this test needs again 10 Mb,
as in 6.4.
Compiling the test part with -0 increases the needed memory to 14 Mb.
I wonder, how could it appear the minimum of 18 Mb in previous session.

So, all my tests for  ghc-6.4.1-July-12
show almost the same (+- 3%) results as for  ghc-6.4  and  5.02.


Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at

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