compiling GHC with a custom path to GCC

Seth Kurtzberg seth at
Thu Feb 17 07:05:18 EST 2005

Remi Turk wrote:

>On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 04:48:54AM -0700, Seth Kurtzberg wrote:
>>Simon Marlow wrote:
>>>On 17 February 2005 11:12, Remi Turk wrote:
>>>>when compiling the new ghc pre-releases made my gcc 2.95.3 die
>>>>with "internal compiler error", I tried to compile it with gcc
>>>>3.4.3 (or rather, I thought it compiled with 3.4.1, and when that
>>>>died, compiled+installed gcc 3.4.3, tried again, say it die again
>>>>and only then noticed it was actually still using 2.95.3 ;) but
>>>>had quite some difficulty to actually get it to compile with, in
>>>>my case, /usr/local/bin/gcc3
>>>>When using the following command-line
>>>>CC=gcc3 CXX=g++3 nice ./configure --enable-hopengl
>>>>--prefix=/var/tmp/ghc --with-gcc=/usr/local/bin/gcc3 
>>>>stage1 still used gcc 2.95.3 to compile stage2 (okay, for --with-gcc
>>>>that's documented) 
>>>Really?  --with-gcc should set the gcc for stage1, AFAIK.  Is there a
>>>bug here?
>>>I've noticed gcc 2.95 crashing on my FreeBSD box too.  I should look
>>>into whether there's a workaround, otherwise we're hosed on FreeBSD 4.x.
>>This is a known problem in all the 3.x compilers, and also occurs, 
>>although less often, with 2.9x versions.  I've seen no difference in 
>>frequency comparing FreeBSD to Linux and NetBSD.
>>The only solution, which is of course highly annoying, is to simply 
>>restart the make.  For whatever reason this always works, sometimes 
>>until the end of the build, and sometimes until some other crash.  My 
>>theory is that it is related to the temporary files that gcc creates, 
>>mostly for templates. 
>>While a royal PITA, the resulting code is correct.
>>>	Simon
>I'm afraid finding a workaround for compilers dying on
>compiler-generated code isn't going to be much fun...
>Anyway, I just replaced a
>        ifneq "$(INSTALL_LIBS)" ""
>        ifneq "$(strip $(INSTALL_LIBS))" ""
>(see my glasgow-haskell-bugs message of today, this usage is
>recommended in make's "info" for strip.)
>Now I could install ghc, remove the build-tree and get enough
>free space to start compiling again.
>This time I'll log everything and come back when I'm sure what
>exactly is going on. (As I "remember" that 1) --with-gcc doesn't
>do what it should and 2) the gcc-2.95-crash on linux seems to be
I'm not positive about 2.95, but I know that on 3.x it crashes in 
different places, and even compiling different source files.  With each 
3.x release, they fix some of them, but others pop up to take their 
place.  Clearly the gcc people don't know what's going on.

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