Bug in touchForeignPtr?
Benjamin Franksen
benjamin.franksen at bessy.de
Sat Nov 20 18:02:00 EST 2004
I am using Foreign.Concurrent.newForeignPtr and touchForeignPtr inside the
finalizers to express liveness dependencies as hinted to by the
documentation. This doesn't seem to work, though, or at least I can't see
what I've done wrong. I attached a test module; compiled with ghc
-fglasgow-exts --make TestForeignTouchBug.hs, ghc version 6.2.2, this gives
.../foreigntouchbug > ./a.out
<hit enter here>
before finalizing A
after finalizing A
before finalizing B
after finalizing B
<hit enter here>
I expected the order of the finalizer calls be be the other way around, since
the finalizer for the Bs explicitly touches the A value.
Top level things with identity are evil. -- Lennart Augustsson
-------------- next part --------------
import Foreign hiding (newForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Concurrent
import System.Mem (performGC)
type A = ForeignPtr Int
type B = ForeignPtr Bool
newA :: IO A
newA = do
(pa::Ptr Int) <- malloc
newForeignPtr pa $ do
putStrLn "before finalizing A"
free pa
putStrLn "after finalizing A"
newB :: A -> IO B
newB fpa =
withForeignPtr fpa $ \pa -> do
(pb::Ptr Bool) <- malloc
newForeignPtr pb $ do
putStrLn "before finalizing B"
free pb
putStrLn "after finalizing B"
touchForeignPtr fpa
main = do
a <- newA
b <- newB a
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