Polymorphic lists...

Ralf Laemmel Ralf.Laemmel at cwi.nl
Tue Mar 9 10:16:04 EST 2004

Hi Kean,

looks cool.
I get your point about static typing.
I guess that adding a fold operator would make your implementation more 

Oleg has also encountered some of your operations (as you probably know):

(Oleg also prefers the term polymorphic lists --- sigh, and he considers 
by types rather than naturals. In fact, he mentions that values can be
retrieved by either type or index, while only the former is discussed
in detail, if I am right. To me it seems, he would also need to end up
using dependant-type encoding of naturals, say data Zero ... and data Succ
..., for look-up. If I am still right, then his operator type_index is 
because it returns a plain Int, but Int could be replaced by dependant-type
Naturals. Really just guessing. Oleg?)

Minor point: the code I posted combines existential types and type-safe
cast. It does *not* employ the type Dynamic. (You might say that dynamics
and this combination are somewhat equivalent.)



>Didn't know If I should post it straight away... its quite long and I dont do
>attachments (well not If I can help it. I am aware Dynamic can model heterogenious lists
>(thanks for correct terminology) - but I need static typing. Thats the clever thing about
>this code - the list is heterogenious but statically typed.
>So... for your perusal - and If its not up to being included in the libraries I would
>value any comments/code review for my own edification.
>The module is called "Relation" as I am modelling Relational Algebra... but if anyone can
>think of a better name...
>First some examples:
>putStrLn $ show (rIndex two rel1) -- show the third item in rel1
>putStrLn $ show (rHead r)
>putStrLn $ show (rTail r)
>putStrLn $ show (rLast r)
>putStrLn $ show (rInit r)
>putStrLn $ show (r `rEnqueue` "TEST3") -- insert the string into the last (not head) position
>putStrLn $ show ((3 :: Int) `RCons` r) -- insert the Int into the head of the list
>r = toTuple (( 1.1 :: Double) `RCons` (fromTuple ("hello",1,"World")))
>And the code:
>{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
>{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
>{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}
>module Lib.DBC.Relation where
>-- (c) 2004 Keean Schupke, All Rights Reserved.
>data Zero = Zero deriving Show
>data Suc n = Suc n deriving Show
>class Nat n
>instance Nat Zero
>instance Nat n => Nat (Suc n)
>zero :: Zero
>zero = Zero
>one :: Suc Zero
>one = Suc zero
>two :: Suc (Suc Zero)
>two = Suc one
>three :: Suc (Suc (Suc Zero))
>three = Suc two
>four :: Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc Zero)))
>four = Suc three
>five :: Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc Zero))))
>five = Suc four
>infixr 1 `RCons`
>data RNil = RNil deriving Show
>data RCons a r = a `RCons` r deriving Show
>class Relation r where
>   rHead :: a `RCons` r -> a
>   rTail :: a `RCons` r -> r
>   rIsEmpty :: r -> Bool
>instance Relation RNil where
>   rHead (x `RCons` _) = x
>   rTail (_ `RCons` _) = RNil
>   rIsEmpty RNil = True
>instance Relation r => Relation (a `RCons` r) where
>   rHead (x `RCons` _) = x
>   rTail (_ `RCons` xs) = xs
>   rIsEmpty (_ `RCons` _) = False
>class RLast r a | r -> a where
>   rLast :: r -> a
>instance RLast (a `RCons` RNil) a where
>   rLast (x `RCons` RNil) = x
>instance RLast r b => RLast (a `RCons` r) b where
>   rLast (_ `RCons` xs) = rLast xs
>class RInit r1 r2 | r1 -> r2 where
>   rInit :: r1 -> r2
>instance RInit (a `RCons` RNil) RNil where
>   rInit (_ `RCons` RNil) = RNil
>instance RInit (b `RCons` r1) r2 => RInit (a `RCons` b `RCons` r1) (a `RCons` r2) where
>   rInit (x `RCons` xs) = x `RCons` rInit xs
>class REnqueue r1 r2 a | r1 a -> r2 where
>   rEnqueue :: r1 -> a -> r2
>instance REnqueue RNil (a `RCons` RNil) a where
>   rEnqueue RNil y = y `RCons` RNil
>instance REnqueue r1 r2 b => REnqueue (a `RCons` r1) (a `RCons` r2) b where
>   rEnqueue (x `RCons` xs) y = x `RCons` rEnqueue xs y
>class (Nat n,Relation r) => RIndex n r a | n r -> a where
>   rIndex :: n -> r -> a
>instance Relation r => RIndex Zero (a `RCons` r) a where
>   rIndex Zero (x `RCons` _) = x
>instance RIndex n r b => RIndex (Suc n) (a `RCons` r) b where
>   rIndex (Suc n) (_ `RCons` xs) = rIndex n xs
>infixl 2 `rProduct`
>class (Relation r1,Relation r2,Relation r3) => RProduct r1 r2 r3 | r1 r2 -> r3 where
>   rProduct :: r1 -> r2 -> r3
>instance RProduct RNil RNil RNil where
>   rProduct RNil RNil = RNil
>instance Relation r => RProduct RNil r r where
>   rProduct RNil r = r
>instance RProduct r1 r2 r3 => RProduct (a `RCons` r1) r2 (a `RCons` r3) where
>   rProduct (x `RCons` xs) y = x `RCons` (xs `rProduct` y)
>class Relation r => RTuple t r | t -> r , r -> t where
>   fromTuple :: t -> r
>   toTuple :: r -> t
>instance RTuple (a,b) (a `RCons` b `RCons` RNil) where
>   fromTuple (a,b) = a `RCons` b `RCons` RNil
>   toTuple (a `RCons` b `RCons` RNil) = (a,b)
>instance RTuple (a,b,c) (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` RNil) where
>   fromTuple (a,b,c) = a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` RNil
>   toTuple (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` RNil) = (a,b,c)
>instance RTuple (a,b,c,d) (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` RNil) where
>   fromTuple (a,b,c,d) = a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` RNil
>   toTuple (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` RNil) = (a,b,c,d)
>instance RTuple (a,b,c,d,e) (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` RNil) where
>   fromTuple (a,b,c,d,e) = a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` RNil
>   toTuple (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` RNil) = (a,b,c,d,e)
>instance RTuple (a,b,c,d,e,f) (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` f `RCons` RNil) where
>   fromTuple (a,b,c,d,e,f) = a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` f `RCons` RNil
>   toTuple (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` f `RCons` RNil) = (a,b,c,d,e,f)

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