Polymorphic lists...
k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Mar 8 21:40:08 EST 2004
Didn't know If I should post it straight away... its quite long and I dont do
attachments (well not If I can help it. I am aware Dynamic can model heterogenious lists
(thanks for correct terminology) - but I need static typing. Thats the clever thing about
this code - the list is heterogenious but statically typed.
So... for your perusal - and If its not up to being included in the libraries I would
value any comments/code review for my own edification.
The module is called "Relation" as I am modelling Relational Algebra... but if anyone can
think of a better name...
First some examples:
putStrLn $ show (rIndex two rel1) -- show the third item in rel1
putStrLn $ show (rHead r)
putStrLn $ show (rTail r)
putStrLn $ show (rLast r)
putStrLn $ show (rInit r)
putStrLn $ show (r `rEnqueue` "TEST3") -- insert the string into the last (not head) position
putStrLn $ show ((3 :: Int) `RCons` r) -- insert the Int into the head of the list
r = toTuple (( 1.1 :: Double) `RCons` (fromTuple ("hello",1,"World")))
And the code:
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}
module Lib.DBC.Relation where
-- (c) 2004 Keean Schupke, All Rights Reserved.
data Zero = Zero deriving Show
data Suc n = Suc n deriving Show
class Nat n
instance Nat Zero
instance Nat n => Nat (Suc n)
zero :: Zero
zero = Zero
one :: Suc Zero
one = Suc zero
two :: Suc (Suc Zero)
two = Suc one
three :: Suc (Suc (Suc Zero))
three = Suc two
four :: Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc Zero)))
four = Suc three
five :: Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc Zero))))
five = Suc four
infixr 1 `RCons`
data RNil = RNil deriving Show
data RCons a r = a `RCons` r deriving Show
class Relation r where
rHead :: a `RCons` r -> a
rTail :: a `RCons` r -> r
rIsEmpty :: r -> Bool
instance Relation RNil where
rHead (x `RCons` _) = x
rTail (_ `RCons` _) = RNil
rIsEmpty RNil = True
instance Relation r => Relation (a `RCons` r) where
rHead (x `RCons` _) = x
rTail (_ `RCons` xs) = xs
rIsEmpty (_ `RCons` _) = False
class RLast r a | r -> a where
rLast :: r -> a
instance RLast (a `RCons` RNil) a where
rLast (x `RCons` RNil) = x
instance RLast r b => RLast (a `RCons` r) b where
rLast (_ `RCons` xs) = rLast xs
class RInit r1 r2 | r1 -> r2 where
rInit :: r1 -> r2
instance RInit (a `RCons` RNil) RNil where
rInit (_ `RCons` RNil) = RNil
instance RInit (b `RCons` r1) r2 => RInit (a `RCons` b `RCons` r1) (a `RCons` r2) where
rInit (x `RCons` xs) = x `RCons` rInit xs
class REnqueue r1 r2 a | r1 a -> r2 where
rEnqueue :: r1 -> a -> r2
instance REnqueue RNil (a `RCons` RNil) a where
rEnqueue RNil y = y `RCons` RNil
instance REnqueue r1 r2 b => REnqueue (a `RCons` r1) (a `RCons` r2) b where
rEnqueue (x `RCons` xs) y = x `RCons` rEnqueue xs y
class (Nat n,Relation r) => RIndex n r a | n r -> a where
rIndex :: n -> r -> a
instance Relation r => RIndex Zero (a `RCons` r) a where
rIndex Zero (x `RCons` _) = x
instance RIndex n r b => RIndex (Suc n) (a `RCons` r) b where
rIndex (Suc n) (_ `RCons` xs) = rIndex n xs
infixl 2 `rProduct`
class (Relation r1,Relation r2,Relation r3) => RProduct r1 r2 r3 | r1 r2 -> r3 where
rProduct :: r1 -> r2 -> r3
instance RProduct RNil RNil RNil where
rProduct RNil RNil = RNil
instance Relation r => RProduct RNil r r where
rProduct RNil r = r
instance RProduct r1 r2 r3 => RProduct (a `RCons` r1) r2 (a `RCons` r3) where
rProduct (x `RCons` xs) y = x `RCons` (xs `rProduct` y)
class Relation r => RTuple t r | t -> r , r -> t where
fromTuple :: t -> r
toTuple :: r -> t
instance RTuple (a,b) (a `RCons` b `RCons` RNil) where
fromTuple (a,b) = a `RCons` b `RCons` RNil
toTuple (a `RCons` b `RCons` RNil) = (a,b)
instance RTuple (a,b,c) (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` RNil) where
fromTuple (a,b,c) = a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` RNil
toTuple (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` RNil) = (a,b,c)
instance RTuple (a,b,c,d) (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` RNil) where
fromTuple (a,b,c,d) = a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` RNil
toTuple (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` RNil) = (a,b,c,d)
instance RTuple (a,b,c,d,e) (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` RNil) where
fromTuple (a,b,c,d,e) = a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` RNil
toTuple (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` RNil) = (a,b,c,d,e)
instance RTuple (a,b,c,d,e,f) (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` f `RCons` RNil) where
fromTuple (a,b,c,d,e,f) = a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` f `RCons` RNil
toTuple (a `RCons` b `RCons` c `RCons` d `RCons` e `RCons` f `RCons` RNil) = (a,b,c,d,e,f)
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